Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #43!
This week's word is: PAD Paht (Pronunciation) BAD This week's phrase is: T wo:g 'o padaj. (O'odham language) Our roads are in very bad...
Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #42!
This week's word is: SKE:G S-kuhg (Pronunciation) GOOD This week's phrase is: S-ke:g sialim. (O'odham language) Good morning. (English...
Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #41!
This week's word is: STON S-thaw-ni (Pronunciation) HOT This week's phrase is: Ston 'o g c'afe (O'odham language) The cup of coffee is...
Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #40!
This week's word is: SUK S-hoo-k (Pronunciation) WARM This week's phrase is: Acim ac et hukajid nada baso. (O'odham language) We warm...
Support Girls' Voices!
Rose is a 13 year old Tohono O'odham girl from Guvo, Arizona, where she has access to very little resources, and school is miles away. In...
Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #39!
This week's word is: SEPID s-hu-peed (Pronunciation) COLD This week's phrase is: O'odham jewed o ston tas oid ba sepid scuhugam ced. ...
Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #38!
This week's word is: MA:GINA Mah ghee nah (Pronunciation) CAR This week's phrase is: Ma:gina o' scuk. (O'odham language) The color of...
Tribal Lands: Most Sacred Places
On September 8, Arizona Republic published a documentary video. Click THIS LINK to view. Tribal Lands: Most Sacred Places Arizona...
Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #37!
This week's word is: WIHPSH WEEPSH (Pronunciation) WASP This week's phrase is: Haiwan o pi sai hohoid eg wihpsh. (O'odham language) Hi...
Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #36!
This week's word is: AB S'I HAS ELITH Ahb see has eleeth (Pronunciation) RESPECT This week's phrase is: T ge'eged o t mascam mat o si has...